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The Chanui Story

Chanui was founded by Kiwi Doug Hastie. He is a bit particular about his tea, and thinks you should be too. Two decades on, Chanui blends still have the same flavour profile – no point messing with Kiwi faves, afterall! Now the range is as diverse as the people of New Zealand, ideal for your tea ritual, be it a morning mantra or supper sip.

Our Story
  • Sarah B.

    "Loooove English Breakfast & Earl Grey equally.....I definitely need my pot of either at morning tea or afternoon tea to get through the day - sipping as I go is my way"

  • Jay R.

    "I thought I liked a good cuppa, and then I had Chanui and now I know what a good cuppa is"

  • Greg O.

    "THANK YOU for bringing back your original Gingernuts. They are THE BEST, and your new recipe didn’t cut it I’m afraid. I just bought 6 packets oink!!"

  • Tom C.

    "Run out of chanui last week. missed it terribly there is no other tea like Chanui English Breakfast. Where can i buy one of those teapots please?"

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